We love when parents and members of our community get involved with St. James the Less! Whether you’re just looking to help out with odd jobs here and there or have a passion in a particular area of our school, we have so many opportunities just for you. Take a look below!


Ways to Volunteer

  1. Recess: You may come and have lunch with your child any day and feel free to go out to recess, as well! If you would like to be a volunteer, we would happily welcome that, too. Preventing child abuse and protecting our children is the responsibility of everyone. Protecting God’s Children is a seminar to heighten each individual’s awareness of child abuse and pedophilia. Anyone who volunteers or works with our children is required by the Columbus Diocese to attend this training, and have a copy of certificate of completion in the school office. To register and check seminar availability, please visit www.virtus.org. Additionally, a clear BCI fingerprint background report is also required for anyone who volunteers or works with our children.

  2. Activities: We are always looking for help with our Trunk or Treat, Walkathon, Flower Sale, Field Day, Confirmation and Graduation receptions. To help with Parent Advisory Board activities, please email Annie Brady at abrady@wowway.com or see more details below!

  3. Miscellaneous: Looking to simply help out any way you can? There are many ways to volunteer! Your child’s teacher may want extra help in the classroom and chaperones for field trips. They may need help with things you may be able to do at home. Contact your child’s teacher to see how you can help!

Parent Advisory Board

The Home & School Association and the School Board have been restructured into the Parent Advisory Board. PAB meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the school.

The Parent Advisory Board is made up of parents who have an interest in helping the school with its needs. Money is raised to contribute to the operation of the school and special projects. The PAB has sponsored projects such as hosting the Confirmation and Graduation receptions, purchasing a smart board for the library, redesigning closet spaces in the classrooms, assistance to reduce costs of field trips and catering the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon during Catholic Schools Week. Additionally, the PAB also offers a scholarship to an 8th grade male and female that will be attending a Catholic high school.

The PAB coordinates all the fundraising for the school. Walk-a-Thon, held in late October, is our largest fundraiser of the year. Each fall and spring we host our annual Flower Sale. Home & School also oversees smaller fundraising opportunities that are ongoing throughout the school year. These include Box Tops for Education, Campbell's Soup Labels, Target Take Charge of Education, Giant Eagle Rewards and Kroger Rewards.

The Parent Advisory Board is always looking for parent volunteers to help with our fundraising endeavors. If you are interested in joining or have any questions, please contact Annie Brady.